UN Call for Papers on Global AI Governance
28, September, 2023

The Office of the UN Secretary-General's Envoy on Technology has extended an open call for thought leaders, researchers, and AI enthusiasts to contribute with short papers for the High-level Advisory Body on AI.
The papers, of approximately 2000 words will have to be on three main crucial themes, namely:
Key Issues on Global AI Governance
Researchers and experts are encouraged to engage in comprehensive studies and recommendations that need global governance attention and that the High-Level Advisory Body on AI should prioritize.
Current Efforts in Global AI Governance
Contributors are invited to share their analyses on bilateral, multilateral, and inter-regional initiatives related to current efforts in AI governance. The aim is to shed light on diverse philosophical approaches, critiques, and suggestions.
Models in Global AI Governance
Researchers are encouraged to explore existing models and propose fresh perspectives on global AI governance. This therefore, involves analyzing established frameworks or presenting innovative proposals. Additionally, surveys and analyses of other proposals are also welcomed.
The international community underlined that since they champion diversity, they await contributions from a broad spectrum of groups, regions, and methodologies. Moreover they have announced that insights will receive credit and will serve as foundational material for the High-Level Advisory Body on AI.
All participants are requested to submit their papers by September 30, 2023 by sending it to techenvoy@un.org. The title page must have: author(s) details, affiliation, and contact info. In case the paper is an executive summary of a more extensive piece, participants are requested to submit the extensive piece too.
For more information visit the UN website