Stakeholder Survey: European Partnership on ‘Social Transformations and Resilience’
7, May, 2024

What is the European Partnership on Social Transformations and Resilience?
European Partnerships connect the European Commision with high quality partners from the private and/or public sectors. These partnerships are a key fixture of Horizon Europe, implemented to streamline and advance research and innovation activities to achieve the desired political objectives of the EU.
The European Partnership on Social Transformations and Resilience, adopted in March 2024 under the second Horizon Europe Strategic Plan, aims to establish a research and innovation initiative that bridges social sciences and humanities disciplines. Its objective is to foster inclusive sustainable development and enhance societal and economic resilience. The initiative will focus on generating evidence-based research that informs policy decisions on a range of objectives related to the overall reduction of societal fractures and the advancement of a green and digital transition.
Why you should participate in the survey
Created by the ZOE Institute for Future-fit-Economies and EIT Climate-KIC,in support of the European Partnership on Social Transformations and Resilience, this survey seeks to gather insights and reflections from a broad range of key stakeholders within an ecosystem of policymakers, researchers & academia, CSOs, and other relevant industry actors, on emerging objectives, areas of impact, and ongoing activities related to the Partnership.
Data from this survey will be analysed and organised to conceptualise the workflow and expectations of stakeholders and their direct alignment with the Partnership. Participation in the survey will ensure that the Partnership is properly engaged with the relevant stakeholders and that Partnership efforts are tailored towards the necessary thematic areas and geographical regions.
How does it impact KT4D activities?
This survey directly aligns with the mission of KT4D as it seeks to collect insights and analysis from key stakeholders that can be transformed into recommendations for decision-makers to build a stronger and more resilient social ecosystem. The results from the survey will provide the Partnership with accurate testimonies, from influential actors, about what needs to be done to modernise social protection systems, including how to preserve the foundations of democracies.
This study will benefit the development of the Partnership, while also producing insights that can contribute to and reinforce proprietary efforts of existing projects like KT4D.
You can access the survey here: Stakeholder Survey ST&R
The deadline for completing the survey is 31 May.